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The Fuel

I am...

I am brave.

I am a risk taker and have risked it all.

I am a thriver.


I am a genius.

I am generous

I am a power player.


I am a winner.

I am a creative thinker.

I am stronger than I feel.


I am more beautiful than I believe.

I am living.

I am breathing. 


I am working.

I am smarter than I feel.

I am selfless.


I am a writer, and I will...keep writing



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The Gift

~Inspired by Gloria Hemingway from the family memoir Strange Tribe by John Hemingway~


No matter what the world labels me,

I will prevail.

However much people hate me,

I will prevail.

You see, I have a gift.

I can turn sorrows into similes,

I can transform madness into metaphors.

If she is a wench, I turn her into a warrior.


No matter how much I cry,

I will keep going.

However much I want to die,

I will keep going.

To keep living, bears my womb with joy.

I find small moments of love,

In the inconspicuous places.

If triggers of trauma comes, I smile and wave them goodbye.


I have this gift to change the sadness inside of me,

into sweet revelry.

The once chaotic turmoil full of black tar,

into a peaceful moment of mercy.

I have this gift inside of me,

To turn the midnight oil of terrors and anxiety,

into a masterpiece.

I have this gift to change the bad into whole.


Perhaps it is an easy task for some people,

but people I know find it hard to believe,

how a small moment of hope

can be found in the midst of darkness.

How life can be hopeful in faith,

despite the mourning and injustice.

I have this gift you see, and I know I'm not alone.

I am gifted in the many ways the world cannot see.


I am the gift.


and the gift is in me.



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Something Found

Middle school knights and ladies pin

Beatles eight track tape 

Brown teddy bear without an arm

Dirty little socks missing its pair

Clearning the garage without you

Fixing the last tilted shelf we built

You and I built it for Mom

My life was your gift when I was young

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Something Found

Love never meant to hurt

Broken boundaries were tough


Hope was supposed to stay

The touch shouldn't harm


Joy was to have within

Living should never have trauma


Faith was to restore my life

Days were unexpectedly tearful


Time was my only friend

My life one step at a time

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Good People

~ Dedicated to all of the children and young adults I met in my life. You are my bright shining Sun. ~

I'm a good kid

Because I know how to love

I know I care

About me and my heart


I'm a good kid

Because I can smile

When the sun shines bright

Or when the moon hides behind the clouds


I'm a good kid

Because I know I can fly

Even through the storm

And when the sky turns grey up above


I'm a good kid

Because I have courage

To stand, run, and dance

Even when the world will not give me a chance


I'm a good kid

Because I am strong

Even when I am weak

Or when the Earth turns upside down


I'm a good kid

Because I care enough to make it

Although the valleys are deep and wide


I'm a good kid

And I am on my way

To become good people


Because good people laugh

through the cries of sorrow


Because good people hug

to embrace another


Because good people speak

of lovely words with uplifting voices


Because good people live

and keep on breathing, through and through



Because good people are honest

taking lies away further from the truth


Because good people shine

living with pure light inside their minds


I am on my way

To become good people


Taking each step

One at a time


I am on my way

To become good people


Loving my life

Living with love


I am on my way, to become …


Everything I am meant to be










I am a good kid


I love me


I love all I will be


Good people, I am meant to be


Good people, that's me



The end. Just write.

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